Tracy Yardley is an acclaimed American comic book artist, best known for his extensive work on the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, originally published by Archie Comics. Hailing from Southern Illinois, Yardley developed a passion for comics and the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series early in life, growing up reading the first issues of the officially licensed Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series by Archie Comics.

Tracy Yardley—notably stylizing his name with an exclamation mark in homage to one of the original Sonic artists, Scott Shaw!—began his professional career as a penciller on the Sonic the Hedgehog series in 2005. Over the years, he became a key figure in the comic’s creative team, contributing not only as a penciller but also as an occasional inker, colorist, and even a writer. His work extended to the spin-off series Sonic X and the popular side-series Sonic Universe. Yardley continued his Sonic journey with IDW Publishing after they acquired the Sonic the Hedgehog license, starting a new era for the comic in 2018.

Beyond his work with Sonic, Yardley collaborated with Archie Comics to revive the classic character Cosmo the Mighty Martian alongside longtime colleagues Ian Flynn and Matt Herms. Additionally, he served as the main penciler and inker for the original manga-like series Riding Shotgun, published by Tokyopop. Yardley’s early work also includes the original comic series Nate and Steve, which he created with friends.

Tracy Yardley’s dynamic artwork and deep connection to the Sonic franchise have made him a beloved figure in the comic book industry, admired by fans for his dedication and creative talent.
